Time passes by and the caresses are away, forgetting that you exist.
I cannot breathe away from you, but looking at the sky
and the silver of the night
I am wrapped in a vision, wrapped in the slopes of a name,
of a kiss.
Waiting and waiting, but what to expect, what to draw,
within this night I don’t see that silk kiss of yours,
that color that lightens your hair.
Let the waves could fire up the sky and cast stars,
fairytales and songs in your dreams.
I don’t want to love you, but I do.
Because, no matter how many times I’ll open my eyes,
my voice numbs and my wings cannot resist in
the weakness
that conquers me daily.
Fotios Panos
I cannot breathe away from you, but looking at the sky
and the silver of the night
I am wrapped in a vision, wrapped in the slopes of a name,
of a kiss.
Waiting and waiting, but what to expect, what to draw,
within this night I don’t see that silk kiss of yours,
that color that lightens your hair.
Let the waves could fire up the sky and cast stars,
fairytales and songs in your dreams.
I don’t want to love you, but I do.
Because, no matter how many times I’ll open my eyes,
my voice numbs and my wings cannot resist in
the weakness
that conquers me daily.
Fotios Panos