My Books
* Hidden Thoughts (published in English) 2018 in Canada
* Windless (published in Greek) 2016
* Wire Heaven (published in Greek) 2015* Hidden Thoughts (published in English) 2018 in Canada
* Windless (published in Greek) 2016
Συρμάτινος Παράδεισος
* The Craving of the Sky (Published in Greek) 2014
Ο πόθος τ' ουρανού
* Shakespeare in the Jungle (published in English) 2014
* Eternal Journey (published in Greek and English) 2012
Αιώνιο Ταξίδι
* Are you here? I live (published in Greek) 2010
Είσαι Εδώ; Ζω
* The Circle of G.C (published in Greek) 2009
Ο κύκλος του ε.κ.
* Hellenic Encounters 2 - Published in Canada 2019
* Delicate Impact - An Anthology of Contemporary Canadian Verse 2018
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
I.B. Iskov Editor and Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 June 201
* Whispers of Soflay (Volume 1) published 2018
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
John Di Leonardo Editor / I.B. Iskov / Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 May to Sept. 2017
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
John Di Leonardo Editor / I.B. Iskov Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 Jan. to Apr. 2017
* Poetry Anthology Dedicated to the poet G. Vafopoulos
20 years since his death (published in Greek)
Ανθολογία ποίησης - Αφιέρωμα στον ποιητή Γεώργιο Βαφόπουλο 20 χρόνια από τον θάνατό του
* Saudade Issue 2, 2016
* Latchkey Lyricality A Canadian Anthology of Poetry 2016
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
John Di Leonardo Editor / I.B. Iskov Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 Sept. to Dec. 2016 Vol.3
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
John Di Leonardo Editor / I.B. Iskov Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 May. to Sept. 2016 Vol.2
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
John Di Leonardo Editor / I.B. Iskov Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 Jan. to Apr. 2016 Vol.1
* Poetry Anthology - A Greek Anthology by Ostria 2015
Ανθολόγιο Ποιήσεως - Οστρια 2015
* Human and Environment - A Greek Anthology of Poetry 2015
Ανθολογία Ποίησης, "Ανθρωπος και Περιβάλλον" αφιερωμένη στον Οικουμενικό Πατριάρχη Βαρθολομαίο
* MindShadows - A Canadian Anthology of Poetry 2015
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
John Di Leonardo Editor / I.B. Iskov Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 Sept. to Dec. 2015 Vol.3
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
John Di Leonardo Editor / I.B. Iskov Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 May to Augr. 2015 Vol.2
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
John Di Leonardo Editor / I.B. Iskov Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 Jan to Apr. 2015 Vol.1
* Scarlet Thistles - A Canadian Anthology of Poetry 2014
* Lay myself upon you - Attempting Religion Poetry (Published in Greek) 2014
Ανθολογία Ποίησης, "ΕΙΣ ΣΕ ΑΝΑΤΙΘΗΜΙ" (Απόπειρα Θρησκευτικής Ποίησης)
Μια Αγκαλιά από Παραμύθια
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
I.B Iskov Editor/Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 Sept to Dec 2014 Vol. 111 No.2
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
I.B Iskov Editor/Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 Jan to Apr 2014 Vol. 11 No.2
* A Tri-Annual Publication of the Ontario Poetry Society
I.B Iskov Editor/Publisher I.S.S.N 1715-0280 Jan to Apr 2014 Vol. 11 No.1
* Participation in the 'Anthology of Poetry' (published in Greek) 2013
Tribute to C. P. Cavafy
Ανθολογία Ποίησης και Πεζού Λόγου' Αφιέρωμα στον Κ.Π. Καβάφη
* Participation in the 'Anthology of Poetry and Prose' (published in Greek) 2012
Dedicated to Nikiforos Vrettakos
Ανθολογία Ποίησης και Πεζού Λόγου' Αφιέρωμα στον ποιητή Νικηφόρο Βρεττάκο