Monday, February 19, 2018


Transient the fall’s dilemma
transient and the coat
that I gifted you
I caress the breath,
when the birds
metamorphosed into poppies,
a bit of rain,
wishes on the face
that touch the dewiness of the eyes
a happiness that extends
the mane of my life.
Images that induce tears,
betrayed breaths
halting our kiss,
an anchor is enough to save us
to lay our bodies
on an island that does not weep.
I have erased the bitterness from the clouds,
already I walk to the place
from where your voice is transmitted.
Do not ask me to stop
the serum of my life,
my world is a faded glow
a sharp departure,
I will not fool your heart
with a love that stops at the truth
with a word that wounds the moment and departs.
If I paint the harmony of life
with something fake
I will remember the decay and the vacuum.
If I bath
under the gaze of your admiration
I will win the dream
and the hours of your bright face.
I neglected to kiss you
and misery rejected the light,
May somebody wake me up!
Let the pulse of my heart slip away
now that you are leaving,
but tonight stay,
let our tears
go dry.

From my book 'Hidden Thoughts'